Data Analysis
The Neural Decoding Toolbox provides an easy way to do decoding analyses on neural data.
Matlab Tutorial.
Google AutoDraw turns your rough scribbles into beautiful icons for free.
SciDraw provides a free repository of high-quality drawings that might be useful for scientific presentations and posters.
ColorBrewer: color advice for maps.
Color Schemes include every ColorBrewer scale.
Cubehelix' Color Scheme - Dave Greens' cubehelix coloor scheme.
Color Palettes - Created by Alex Romanuke, a designer, colorist, and photographer.
Coblis - Color Blindness Simulator Getting to know what it looks like to be colorblind to improve the readability of color images in to-be-published journal papers.
Writing and Speaking
The Craft of Writing Effectively by Larry McEnerney.
How To Speak by Patrick Winston.
Recorded Talks
Introduction to Neuroscience by Bing Brunton
Introduction to Machine Learning by Dmitry Kobak
GT Neuro Seminar Series
Dimensionality Reduction and Population Dynamics in Neural Data
Cosyne Talks
Spikes and Bursts
Neuroscientists Talk Shop showcases the current research of internationally renowned guest Neuroscientists.
Brain Inspired: a podcast where neuroscience and AI converge.